Chinese new year dragons! This year we are using yarn to help us draw the body. Stay tuned to see our final products!
Oh how excited first graders have been to work with earth clay and create a pinch pot. We discussed how art can teach us about other cultures and time periods and observed Pueblo pottery before beginning for inspiration.
Students also learned about the techniques and processes involved when working with clay. Last week they added glaze to their bisque fired pots to create patterns and designs. Look how colorful they are! Students are going to be so excited to see how they turned out!
First graders in Mrs. Holter's and Mrs. Schwab's class are working hard to make their lines come alive and jump off their papers! This project requires teamwork, problem solving, and an understanding of line in order to have a successful project. Students chose a theme for their project such as a: water park, skate park, or a train station. Then they worked together to show their idea with just strips of paper, glue and crayon. More pics coming soon!!
Just look at these wonderful patterned turtles! I am very pleased with the thoughtfulness and effort our first graders put into their work. They wanted to make sure they had a project that really showed their understanding of line, shape and color and are so excited to receive their sticker sheets from the fundraiser that features their turtle.