Our fabulous PTA has kindly created a Square 1 Art Fundraiser page on the PTA website. I will be emailing them all important updates and documents to post for easy access. Stay tuned...the order packets should be here by next week!

Kindergarten ice cream cones!

First grade turtles and second grade fish!

Third grade owls and fourth grade sun and moons!

Grade five coffee cups!


Parents, information on the Square 1 Art fundraiser is making it's way home! Order packets will arrive mid October so be thinking ahead on your holiday shopping!

Check out www.square1art.com for product information.

It's almost time for the school year to take off and I have many exciting projects planned for the year! To keep up to date with what each grade level is working on and news in the artroom, follow this blog page. See you soon!


    Hello, I am Sara Minnick the art teacher at Fountaindale Elementary School for Arts and Academic Excellence. I hope you enjoy the hard work we have on display! Thanks for stopping by!


    October 2013
    September 2013
    July 2013

