Kindergarteners learned about Native American artwork, the designs, symbols and how their materials came from nature.
They then used model magic clay to create their own pots inspired by Pueblo pottery.
Kindergartners learned our artists use facial expressions to express mood and feelings. Then used what they know about line, shape and color to create autumn leaves and a moody pumpkin face!
Photographer and Guest Writer: Melanie Boschen, Fifth Grade
Photographer: Damon Ware, Fifth Grade
Kindergartners created these fabulous peacocks for their Square 1 Art fundraiser project. First students completed their hand prints to form the peacock's body. Then they had to use what they learned about line to add grass and other details. They also used scissors to cut out their sun, which showed me that we need more practice with that skill which is what we are working on now!
Line is the most basic element of art. Without them we can not write our letters, numbers, or create shapes. Kindergartners have been exploring lines and will soon be moving on to shapes.