Art can teach us about other cultures and time periods. Fourth graders have been working hard on learning how to weave by using a cup as their loom. We discussed basketry and how many cultures have their own traditional methods, patterns and materials. Check out what we have created!
We (Ms. Miller's class) are almost done making pastel pumpkins and we are now coloring them in with pastels to show that we understand the art element value.We are still busy finishing them but they look awesome. We hope you like them. Please comment when you have a chance and remember we worked really hard. Please look at our art! Guest writer: Tyler
In progress work photographed by Sam Burzinski grade 4 Hartley.
Parrots, peacocks and toucans, These colorful birds were the inspiration behind forth grade's Square 1 fundraiser project, Drawing these birds gave students practice with using line, shape and color. We specifically focused on overlapping and blending colored pencils to create teriary colors like yellow-green, blue-violet and yellow-orange.