In the whole 5th grade we have been finding pictures of animals and drawing them in black and white. However, we didn't just start drawing a play dog standing in a land of grass, we had to base our drawings off the picture of the animals we chose. Here are some requirements for this project:
  • We had to have value, but not the money kind. Value is how light or dark an area in your drawing is.
  • We needed to draw the animal so it looked realistic so it didn't look like 2 un-even eyeballs, an oval body, and a weird looking tail. It needed to look like you took a picture of the animal and just outlined it with a sharpie.
  • Before we started this project Mrs. Minnick taught us 6 different techniques and we had to use 3 of them in our drawing. These were the 6 techniques:Cross-hatching, hatching, stipple, squiggles, and zig-zag.
  • In our pictures, we all had a background and it was very important that we had the exact background in our picture.
  • When we were creating our drawings we had a certain piece of paper that was a certain size, and when we were drawing we had to make sure our drawing wasn't too big or too small.
  • The last requirement we had to have was texture. This goes along with the requirements of being realistic and texture. Each animal everyone chose had a different type of fur, feathers, etc. So we had to use different techniques to make sure the fur looked realistic.
  • Lets not forget that every student had to have PRIDE IN THEIR WORK! Pride in work is when someone actually tries to have their drawing look nice and neat! By the look of all of the drawings I'm pretty sure everyone had pride in work.

Written By: Alex Gregory

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